2024 Fall Umpire Questionnaire
(please read below for details)
We have a new season upon us with Fall Ball starting and I know there have been a lot of requests around Umpire registration. If you haven’t heard, Little League International is requiring all affiliated organizations to move to a new registration platform managed by SportsConnect (StackSports) – for those who have played AYSO, this is the platform they use so there should be some familiarity to the AY families.
With this move, we are moving to a shiny new Umpire management system called StackOfficials which integrates nicely with SportsConnect – I’m most excited about the accounting process which automates payments which should reduce our current manual accounting process that can take weeks to months and reduce those times to days. Those who have emailed me about a missing payment or check may have the most to gain. :)
So, if you are interested in umpiring, please complete this form (https://forms.gle/Ck3aiMgQQ5npAbX29) – the form includes all the data I need to upload into the new system to create the “Officials List”.
This next part is very important for those who do not have their own email address but use their parent’s email address but also have a sibling who also umpires and also uses the same email address…if you have your own email address, please go right ahead to the form.
If you use your parent’s email address and you have a sibling, please answer the “First Name” question as both names of the sibling. For example, if there are siblings whose names are Jackson and Jason, answer the “First Name” as Jackson and Jason – this means there will be a shared account to take on umpire slots. As I understand it from the platform provider, the only way around this is to have a dedicated email address per umpire. Using a dedicated email address per official will solve this